Mother’s Day Plans

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching………..Sunday, May 9th.  Make plans now to treat the whole family in honor of Mom with a cupcake catering.  Call now before we are booked up!

Bright Idea

Ever have one of those weeks that crawled by?  A day that feels like a Friday, and then you realize it’s only Thursday?  If Today was one of those days for you, then you deserve a cupcake!  Call us and schedule a catering for tomorrow and add some sunshine back to your week!

Cupcake Fun Fact

Did you know that the cupcake is an American creation? Although not called a cupcake at the time, the earliest recipe for cupcakes has been found in "American Cookery" 2nd edition by Amelia Simmons, published in 1796.  So forget apple pie; be as American as Cupcakes!!