Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mom’s the Word

May is here and this year it is ALL about MOM! Of course Mother’s day is May 8th. But this year there is so much more to it around here. Our lovely neighbor just brought home a new baby. We are looking forward to watching him grow and learn. Plus my Nephew and Niece-in-law are expecting this summer, so I am headed off to a baby shower later this month. I am so excited!

So welcome May!!! And cupcakes for ALL the Mom’s!

Celebration Season

Spring has sprung and there is so much to celebrate! Wedding and baby showers, graduation is coming up, Easter, maybe just because it’s beautiful outside.

Whatever you are celebrating, if Oh My! Catery is there, it will be that much more special! We can’t wait to serve you!

March Marching In

March 1st, 2022 – Primary Election Day in Texas, Fat Tuesday, and Day 6 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.  Use your voice and VOTE.  Enjoy and celebrate life with zeal, as you never know good you have it or how long it will last.  And pray for Ukraine, and the world!

WOW What A February

Here we are February 2022 and we have an ice storm in the forcast……right on schedule.

Plus the Superbowl is on the 13th, and what a match up this year.  A couple of underdogs.  Regardless if you are rooting for the Bengals or the Rams it has been an exciting road to get here and it should be a great game.

And we can’t forget Valentine’s day !

Oh, don’t forget 2sday, 2 22 2022!!!

Strap in everyone.  It’s going to be a ride!!!


Welcome to yet another New Year, New Beginning, Fresh Start!!!

Praying for our family, friends, neighbors, and customers.  We pray for HEALTH, PEACE, and SECURITY!!!

There is a lot of pressure on this year.  Here’s to faith that it will prevail!


Peace and Tranquility

We had the incredible opportunity to visit the beautiful Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada recently.  Upon our return home we were faced with the back to back, very sudden deaths of 2 extraordinary men.

Reflection.  Reflect on your blessings.  Reflect on your memories.  Reflect on your personal impact on others.  Reflect on the beauty of this earth.  Take the time to enjoy life.  Tomorrow is not promised.

Winter Ready

We were proud to be asked to provide cupcakes for the volunteers of POWS dinner.  POWS is an acronym for Plano Overnight Warming Station that provides a hot meal and a warm bed for our at risk homeless population when the temperature outside becomes far too cold.  As we learned last winter, it can become life threateningly cold even in Texas.  It is a great organization with may volunteer opportunities.  Check them out to see how  you can help!